Kill Tony #235 (Jason Acuna, Joel Jimenez)

Shot at the Comedy Store on Oct 16th 2017. Follow the Kill Tony gang on Twitter: Tony Hinchcliffe (http://twitter.com/TonyHinchcliffe) Brian Redban (http://twitter.com/redban) Pat Regan (http://twitter.com/pattyregan) Jeremiah Watkins (http://twitter.com/jeremiahstandup) Joel Jimenez (http://twitter.com/mostlysorry) Josh Martin (http://twitter.com/joshmartincomic) Ryan J. Ebelt (http://twitter.com/ryanjebelt) As always: I replaced the original single-mic live audio stream with the much better official podcast multi-mic audio (no echoes etc). Video source: http://ustream.tv/recorded/108998416 Audio source: http://deathsquad.tv/kill-tony-235 And also as always: I am not involved with the show in any way, I am just a huge fan. ALL (!) credit goes to Tony, Redban and everybody at KT and the CS. And if you love the show as much as I do, maybe buy some KT merch at shopsquad.tv or some KT posters at ryanjebelt.com to support. PEACE!
Guest Appearances